2010年10月10日 星期日

Dear's Birthday8/10/10

Happy birthday to my lover babe...
happy birthday,muacksssss**
Wish my dear happr 4ever,with my dear sweet sweet 4ever too!
love u love u ,muackss
2010/10/8 also are our 2anniversey...
hope our love can forever,love u so much..^.^

Coey n Dixon
Elaine n WaiLong
Pinn n JiaJia
Cat n Edmond
Cindy n Hui
ten ppl goto GiZa Mall fullhouse 2gether...

I love the Fullhouse,very pretty, i like it...
Is mine dream house,hahaha^.^
Elanie n jiajia buy the birthday cake...
thx u all...love u all...^^

